Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Heartfelt Gratitude

I sit here next to Bridgete and Severus at 8:00 in the morning of our 8th day. I feel deeply grateful for the chance to spend this time with her. I hope she feels the same. We have a tough couple days ahead to get to Boston on Friday and I want her to know that I thank her for letting me come along. And along with that gratitude, it's time for a few call outs to those who have made this expotition just a little more bearable.

First - to Best Western - where Severus is always welcome and the rooms are always clean and safe and air conditioned. (and we get a free night or 50.00 by being a Golden Club member)

To Katie at Amelia's in Spearfish - who asked to keep my lunch warm while I took a phone call.

To Brittany at #10 in Deadwood - good luck on those LSATs. The world needs more lawyers like you and Bridgete.

To the ladies at Adams House in Deadwood for showing us the those little extras on our "exclusive tour."

To the guy at Didier's AG somewhere outside of Fargo who pumped our gas and gave us a great opportunity to hear that lovely ND accent while he chatted with Bridgete and I.

To Barb and Mike and all the staff at Black Hills Tattoo. Thanks for letting Severus sit in the office, thanks for taking time to get our tats just right, and thanks for the emu oil. It's great. Mike - you're the best!

And last but certainly not least - thanks to Budget trucks. We've put our little 10 foot truck through quite a test. And it's responded to the task. Thanks Connie for recommending them. I give them 5 stars, thumbs up, hip-hip-hooray.