So I had my first real going-away party today. My official first one was about a month ago. My grandpa ordered some pizza, my half-sister, my brother-in-law, and my dad were there, and we had a good time. And my grandpa gave me some money...which reminds me, I need to send him that thank you card before he decides he's mad at me for not sending a card again. Anyways, but this one was a true celebration. We had wine and food and Pictionary. I'm sure my mom will be posting the pictures she took. I didn't get a pile of presents but that wasn't the important part. This party was about seeing people that are important to me and spending time with them before I move 3000 miles away.
My mom gave a fantastic toast. I cried. Christen almost cried. My aunt Judie cried. The lady who owns the wine shop cried. It was perfect. The perfect first going-away party.
PS I apologize for this blog being a bit disjointed, I just got home after the party and I did make sure to try every type of wine we had so you can imagine I'm a bit toasty. And having trouble typing. So, I will write again later.
<3 - Bridgete